Pregnancy Resources
Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Childbirth
Welcome to Fatherhood
Real Food for Pregnancy
Beautiful One Midwifery
LMNT Electrolytes
Cabea Support Belt (Great for Pelvic Floor)
Belly Bandit Support Belt
Cabea Support Belt
Postpartum Resources
Herbal Postpartum Bath Soak
The First 40 Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
Arnica Cream
After Ease Tincture for Cramping
The Vaccine Friendly Plan
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
EveryLife Diapers
LMNT Electrolytes
Sitz Bath Salts
Cesarean Recovery Resource
SRC Support Garment
Breastfeeding Resources
Mother’s Milk Tea
Silverette Nursing Cups
Ninni Co. Pacifiers
My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow
Labor and Birth Prep Courses
Haakaa Ladybug
Haakaa Manual Breast Pump
Organ Meat Supplements
Breastfeeding Guide: How to Get Off to a Great Start
Collagen Powder
Nettle Tea
Chux Pads
Natural Calm
Commonly Asked Questions…
What is the difference between a doula and a midwife or my care provider?
The midwife or OB’s job is to provide your medical care and to ensure the medical safety of you and your baby. The midwife or OB checks fetal heart tones, vitals, and is there to monitor the life and health of your and your baby. The doula’s role is not to act as a medical provider but instead, to come in as a birth “coach” and as someone who provides physical, emotional, and educational support in leading up to and during your birth. Your doula is not your medical provider.
Does my doula replace the role of my partner?
Absolutely not! As a doula, I recognize that your partner plays an incredible role as your support. My job is not to replace your partner’s role, but instead, to enhance your partner’s role. I want to come alongside you and to be a doula for you both. I have heard dad say, “I am so glad that we hired a doula; it allowed me to be present with mom.”
Do you offer gift certificates if anyone wanted to give toward doula services for me?
YES! If anyone would like to give you a gift certificate of any amount toward doula support for you, please have them contact me! This is a great way to offset the cost of services for you. I encourage moms to add “Birth Doula Services Gift Certificate” to their registry! It’s a great gift idea!
Do you take HSA or FSA?
While I do not take HSA or FSA cards for payment, I can provide an itemized receipt after the balance has been paid in full. You can then submit that receipt to your HSA or FSA for possible reimbursement, from them to you. While I can not speak to what your HSA or FSA would do, I have had client’s who have had success with getting some reimbursement back from their HSA or FSA.
Do you have experience supporting mommas seeking a VBAC?
Yes! I love my VBAC mommas! I have had the privilege of supporting VBAC mommas and witnessing beautiful and redemptive births. During the preparation for birth, we spend focused time on VBAC prep (both physically and mentally), on how to identify the difference between a VBAC tolerant or VBAC friendly provider, and also spend time working on how to advocate for your VBAC goals!
Do you attend hospital, birth center, and home births?
Yes, I will attend anywhere you are giving birth as long as you are not planning an unassisted birth without the care of a midwife or OB. I have had the privilege of serving mommas birthing at home, at a free standing birth center, and hospital births.
How long have you been a doula?
I took my training in 2018, had my first birth the week after, and was certified in 2019. I have had the privilege of serving over 200 families, either in person or virtually!